天覧山 大吟醸 洗心無(Tenranzan Daiginjo Senshinmu)
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Daiginjo is prepared for a limited number of 1,000 bottles a year for exhibition at the appraisal. Yamada Nishiki, the finest rice, is polished to 37% and brewed by low-temperature fermentation over a period of 30 days or more. Until now, it has won numerous glory such as the Gold Award of the National New Sake Appraisal, the first place of the Kanto Shinetsu Appraisal, and the first place of the Saitama Prefectural Appraisal. A gorgeous ginjo incense reminiscent of juicy fruits such as muscat and apples. When you turn the glass, you can feel the umami derived from rice and the taste is smooth. The umami is well-balanced, and the bitterness of alcohol is felt in the finish, tightening the whole. Great for special anniversaries and gifts. 100% Yamada Nishiki rice suitable for sake brewing
天覽山大吟釀 洗心無是參賽作品而年產量只有1000支。以山田錦精釀而成,嚴選米粒,打磨至只有37%的精華,並以低溫發酵30天或以上。至今,此大吟釀以屢獲多個殊榮,如全國新清酒大賽至高金賞,Kanto Shinetsu Appraisal最高級別大獎,Saitama Prefectural Appraisal最高級別大獎等。這華麗的吟釀酒芳馥芬香,誘發超多汁生果的氣息,如麝香和蘋果般誘惑。當你倒入清酒杯中,你即可感受其來自嚴選大米的鮮味,品嚐其細滑口感。平衡的鮮味混合酒精的苦瀝為味蕾帶來不一樣的享受。送禮自用佳宜,100%山田錦純入製造。
*2020 National New Sake Appraisal Award (全國新清酒大賽至高金賞)
*2021 Nanbumorishi Self-brewing Sake Appraisal Award Honor Award (Nanbumorishi Self-brewing Sake Appraisal Award榮譽大獎)