Bourdon Moscato Pink 蜜思嘉粉紅酒

Sale price Price $129.00 Regular price Unit price  per 


Made from the Muscat grape from the  Murray Valley in Victoria, our Pink Moscato is beautifully fragrant with long length, good balance and acidity





This fruity Moscato is of refreshing sweetness with some delicious honeyed notes and zesty acidity to balance out the sweetness. This lightly fizzed and easy drinking wine pairs particularly well with spicy Asian fare as the sweet from the wine tames the heat in the food. A wine to enjoy, while supporting the Bumblebee.




Bumblebees are social insects that live in colonies and are important pollinators of our food plants. Bumblebees are endangered and their population is declining. Because they are essential pollinators, loss of Bumblebees can have far ranging ecological consequences. We donate part of our proceeds to the conservation of Bumblebees.



Food pairing

Use the natural sweetness of Pink Moscato to beautifully balance with foods possessing opposite flavor profiles—spicy, sour, salty, bitter. Pink Moscato wine contrasted with your favorite Chinese and Thai dishes is a surefire winner. Likewise, the sharpness of mature cheeses can be rounded superbly by our wine. From Asia to Europe, spicy cured meat and other antipasto find a friend in our Pink Moscato. 

